The PHK brings you from the directions Aldeboarn and Gorredijk (Nieuwe Vaart) quickly to nature reserve De Alde Feanen (De Oude Venen). De Veenhoop is located on the edge of this fantastic and highly regarded nature reserve. Coming from the Nieuwe Vaart, the route to Drachten and Burgum has been considerably shortened by the PHK.
The other way around you are from De Alde Feanen, Burgum and Drachten a lot faster on the route to deep in Southeast Fryslân and Drente.

The PHK makes a round of Grou, Akkrum / Nes, the Ulesprong, Nij Beets, De Veenhoop, Smalle Ee possible. This route takes you past several larger and smaller nature reserves. In addition to the aforementioned De Alde Feanen, you will for example pass the Kraanlânnen and De Deelen.

With the PHK, a new access to the Turfroute has been created. This website contains no specific information about the Turfroute.

On a number of the aforementioned routes, the PHK offers an excellent alternative to the busy Princess Margriet Canal (PMK) sailing through commercial shipping. The PMK therefore prefers to avoid many a sailing recreation.
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